It Is Deeper Than That.
There are so many corporate buzzwords out there. Mission, vision, purpose, passion, etc. These words are used so often, their meaning and impact is diluted. Companies toss around their mission and vision like it is a prerequisite to exist not the articulation of their purpose. Might as well be the decor on the wall for aesthetically pleasing offices. When things get tough, the organization is easily shaken because the purpose of the org is not that deep. They might as well just put “$” on their wall to show their real mission.
On the flip side, there are many individuals who feel like their personal mission and vision is diluted by corporate America. In fact, 9 out of 10 employees are willing to trade their earnings for greater meaning at work in a study according to BetterUp. It’s no secret that as humans, we want connection and, in this scenario, we want connection to something greater than ourselves. At the end of the day, you need shelter over your head and food in your belly so any job may do…. But imagine the force to reckon with when you can align with a company that is a catalyst to your personal purpose and vision.
Imagine the empowerment behind doing something you truly believe in. You don’t have to be a cog in the wheel of someone else’s goals. You can be in the driver’s seat to achieve your goals in a company that aligns with your values.
Or maybe you want to stay mediocre. Selling product instead of supporting purpose. Clocking in and out, looking forward to your 47 hours of vacation that they ever so graciously give you. If this is your role, that is okay! Do your best to embrace it. Remember, however, you do have a choice. We spend countless hours in the workplace, you might as well make it worthwhile.
I have found my passion. I have found a place where my values don’t just align, but cohesively work together to accomplish massive goals. I have changed my mindset of “I have to go to work” to “I get to go to work.” Instead of “this 8-hour workday is going to be so long” its “I only have 8 hours to get it done!” It is empowering, life-changing, and exciting. My question for you is, where will you grow next?